1819 Firman Dr., #123, Richardson, TX 75081
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Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm, Sat: 8am-12pm
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Frequently Asked Questions
From emergency plumbing services to slab leak repair, we’ve put together
a comprehensive run down of questions we hear most often.
How do I fix a leaky faucet?
A leaky faucet is often caused by a worn-out washer or O-ring. To fix it, turn off the water supply, disassemble the faucet, replace the faulty parts, and reassemble it. If you're unsure or uncomfortable with the process, it's best to contact a professional plumber.
What are the signs of a clogged drain, and how can it be cleared?
What are the signs of a clogged drain, and how can it be cleared? Signs of a clogged drain include slow drainage, gurgling sounds, water backup, and unpleasant odors. Clogs can be cleared using various methods such as using a plunger, pouring boiling water or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda down the drain, or using a drain snake. For persistent or severe clogs, it's recommended to seek assistance from a plumber.
How often should I have my water heater serviced?
It's recommended to have your water heater serviced annually. Regular maintenance helps ensure optimal performance, extends the lifespan of the unit, and helps prevent potential issues such as leaks or insufficient heating. A professional plumber can perform thorough inspections, clean sediment buildup, check for any leaks, and ensure the water heater is functioning properly.
What are the common causes of low water pressure, and how can it be resolved?
Common causes of low water pressure include pipe leaks, mineral buildup in pipes, a faulty pressure regulator, or issues with the municipal water supply. To resolve it, check for any visible leaks, clean or replace clogged aerators or showerheads, ensure the main shut-off valve is fully open, and consider contacting a plumber to diagnose and address any underlying issues.
How can I prevent frozen pipes during winter?
To prevent frozen pipes, you can insulate exposed pipes with foam or pipe sleeves, keep cabinet doors open to allow warm air circulation, maintain a consistent indoor temperature, and let faucets drip during extremely cold weather to relieve pressure. If you're unsure about proper insulation or encounter any issues, it's advisable to consult a plumber for guidance.
What are the benefits of installing a tankless water heater?
Tankless water heaters offer benefits such as energy efficiency, endless hot water supply, space-saving design, and longer lifespan compared to traditional tank-style heaters. They heat water on demand, eliminating the need for storing hot water in a tank. However, installation requirements and sizing considerations may vary, so it's best to consult with a plumber to determine if a tankless water heater is suitable for your specific needs.
How do I know if my toilet needs to be repaired or replaced?
Common signs that indicate the need for toilet repair or replacement include frequent clogs, water leaks around the base, constant running, cracks or damage to the porcelain, or outdated and inefficient models. A professional plumber can assess the condition of your toilet and recommend the appropriate course of action based on the severity of the issues.
Can you help with installing a new plumbing fixture or appliance?
Yes, professional plumbers can assist with installing various plumbing fixtures and appliances such as faucets, sinks, toilets, water heaters, dishwashers, and washing machines. They have the expertise to ensure proper installation, connection to water supply lines, and adherence to local plumbing codes, ensuring efficient and reliable operation.
What steps can I take to prevent plumbing emergencies?
To prevent plumbing emergencies, it's important to practice regular maintenance, such as inspecting pipes for leaks, cleaning drain traps, and addressing minor issues promptly. Additionally, avoid disposing of grease, oil, or non-flushable items down drains, be cautious with water pressure, and consider installing water leak detection systems. Regular professional inspections can also help identify potential problems before they escalate.
How much does it typically cost to hire a plumber?
The cost of hiring a plumber can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the plumbing issue, the location, and the plumber's experience. Small repairs or simple tasks like unclogging a drain may have a flat rate or an hourly fee. Larger projects, such as pipe replacements or bathroom remodels, will generally involve an estimate based on the scope of work. It's best to contact a few reputable plumbers in your area to obtain multiple quotes and compare prices before making a decision.
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